
For Customers

If you would like to order parts for your machine or have questions, please contact your dealer directly.

KDF Contact flow | KDF

1.Machine Parts Order

Please visit our parts list to make sure your machine type and parts item code with a picture before ordering from the dealer.

2. Troubleshooting

When your machine indicates an Error number, Please visit and find it from Troubleshooting Videos/ PDFs.

Repair Department

The most common error will be solved by yourself.

If still not solved, please contact your dealer or our tech/repair department, Jay.

▶︎Warranty Assistance

For customers under warranty (less than 1 year from the purchase date), please contact the dealer directly.

▶︎Post-Warranty Support

For customers who have had their machine for over a year, please fill out the repair inquiry form for Jay.

Jay Shin ( P&S and Company LLC )

English / Korean

Note: For all Alloy/Zirconia material, please contact the manufacturing company for firing schedule or programming.

Dealer List

For Dealers

If you need assistance with dealer consultation, troubleshooting, or want to become a new KDF dealer, please click the button below to access more information.