Cascom SE

Induction Casting Machine


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Cascom SE | Troubleshooting | KDF

Mechanical Support

Chiller Installation

1. Connect the chiller to Cascom SE as shown below. (Picture from Chiller Instruction page 5)
2. Remove the white cap of the water inlet and place the water funnel
3. Pour coolant through the water funnel
4. Add water to the F-line
5. Remove the water funnel
6. Place the white cap back on

After installing the chiller with Cascom SE, turn on the power of the Cascom SE and wait for 10 min so coolant/water circulates into the unit completely.

Water Overheating

□ H.  indicates that the Chiller water temperature is overheating. Wait for 10 minutes to use the unit.


Signs Causes Recommended Solutions
ot Time over of induction. The carrying time of high-frequency current reaches the limit. The limit is 5 minutes for any button to return to normal display.
Ft Abnormal cooling fan filter. The cooling fan is unable to work properly. Clean the filter located at the bottom of the unit. In case of no improvement, the fan must be replaced. *Press any button to return to normal display.
oH Water overheating. Coolant/water in the chiller is overheating. Wait for 10 min to use the unit. When the sign is displayed multiple times, clean the chiller filter.* Excessively high room temperature also causes this caution sign.

Error Signs

No.’s Causes Recommended Solutions
00 The optional chiller is abnormal. Check the connection of outlet and signal terminals.
01 Water is leaking in the unit. Stop using the unit immediately. Contact our technical support team for repair.
02 Water is leaking in the optional chiller. Stop using the chiller immediately. Contact our technical support team for repair. *Poor connection of the signal terminal may cause this error.
03 The Chiller water is below the required amount. Check the amount of water/chiller in the chiller. Add more if necessary. *Poor connection of signal terminals may cause this error.
04 The Chiller water is not flowing. Check the hose and connection between the chiller and the unit. * Poor connection of the signal terminal may cause the error.
05 The Muffle chamber is unable to invert to the casting position. Check if any objects interfere with the inverting of the chamber.
06 The Muffle chamber is unable to invert to the melting position. Check if any objects interfere with the inverting of the chamber.
10 Over-current of high-frequency power. Unable to measure power frequency. Abnormal or excessively loud noise may cause this error. If the error sign is displayed often, contact our technical support team for repair.
11 A protective circuit of high-frequency power is operated. Abnormal or excessively loud noise may cause this error. If the error sign is displayed often, contact our technical support team for repair.
12 High frequency is not output. High-frequency power may malfunction. Contact our technical support team.
14 Unable to measure power frequency. High-frequency power may malfunction. Contact our technical support team.
15 The power supply voltage is out of range. The unit operates only with single-phase, 220-240V and 20A. Check power supply voltage and allowable current.
16 Memory data is damaged. Abnormal or excessively loud noise may cause data damage or change memory data. Contact our technical support team.
17 The control board is abnormal. If the error sign is displayed multiple times, contact our technical support team for repair.
18 A high-frequency power board is abnormal. If the error sign is displayed multiple times, contact our technical support team for repair.

Technical Support

Choosing the Right Crucible

Ceramic Crucible is used for Semi-Precious alloy that contains Palladium for more than 30% and for Non-Precious alloys such as Nickel-Chrome and Cobalt-Chrome alloy. Carbon Crucible is used for precious alloys such as Gold and Silver based metals.


The burnout process is one of the most important aspects of the casting with Cascom SE. In the case of insufficient burnout, you might experience short casting.

1. Phosphate for Crown & Bridge Gold

  • Burnout w/ 1560°F (850°C) minimum of 1 hour and 20min. Longer is better.

2. Phosphate for Porcelain Fused Metal

  • Burnout w/ 1650°F (900°C) over 1 hour. Longer is better.

Air Pressure

Cascom SE requires 100psi to 145psi of pressurized air from the compressor. Insufficient air pressure is one of the most common reasons for short cast. If the distance between the unit and the air compressor is far, Cascom SE might get less than 100psi even if the regulator of the compressor is showing 100psi.

Argon Gas

When you cast metal that contains Palladium for more than 30% or Non-Precious metal, you must use Argon Gas. Argon Gas prevents oxidation and it helps to achieve clean casting results. Lack of argon gas causes the alloy to not flow into the ring smoothly.

Nickel-Chrome Alloy

The most common Nickel-Chrome alloy miscast is metal not flowing into the ring due to overheating. When you overheat Nickel-Chrome alloy, it gets very sticky and does not drop smoothly into the ring. In this case, cast timing is very critical and you must press the [CAST] button earlier than usual.


If you would like to order parts for your machine or have questions,
please contact your dealer directly.