
LMT LAB DAY Chicago 2023 / West 2023

LMT LAB DAY West 2022

Ramin Mahallati – Center for Implant & Esthetic Dentistry

“As a prosthodontist we do many larger cases. The quality, consistency and cleanliness of the castings have improved dramatically since we started using Super Cascom. The programing feature is a huge timesaver. I highly recommend this machine to any laboratory interested in producing high quality metal frames.”

Joshua Polansky – Niche Dental Studio

“After using KDF’s Neo Super Cascom I have not looked back. It’s giving me consistent dense castings over and over again with little to no miscasting. It would be hard for me to work without it.”

Al Hodges – Highland Dental Arts

“The Neo Super Cascom has made my work so much easier and predictable with accurate fits and dense and porous free frames. It is such a pleasure and trouble free to layer frames works now.”

Domenico Cascione – Operant LLC Dental Laboratory

“Neo Super Cascom provides the dental technician with the ability to produce high quality castings with a variety of materials, in an automated fashion.”

Akinobu Ogata – Ateller Ogata

“My KDF casting machine, Neo Super Cscom is the best. I could not work without it.”

Jungo Endo – Jungo Endo Dental Studio

“The Neo Super Cascom is a piece of essential equipment in my lab because of consistency of casting, efficiency of laboratory operation and cost-effectiveness.”

Scott Alvarez – Qualident Dental Lab

“The KDF super cascom has been a great addition to our laboratory mainly due to its compact size and ease of operation. We cast everything from high nobel gold to chrome cobalt and eliminating the inconsistency of torch casting and no metal waste has saved both time and money.”

Barry Lampert – Town & Country Dental Studios

“We were very lucky to be one of the first labs in the country to use KDF Cascoms. Over the past ten years, we have found them to be very easy to use and maintain. The results we get are incredible. Our castings are dense and porosity free every time. The Cascom units preserve the integrity of the alloy as it was designed by the metallurgists, thus enhancing bond strength and polishability. It is also comforting to know that KDF does not rest on its laurels as we have seen continuous upgrades to our machines over ten years which have made them easier to maintain and extended the lifespan of the internal components. Our KDF Cascoms are one of the pieces of equipment we could not function without. Thank you KDF.”

Bill Dick – Bright Dental Lab

“My name is Bill Dick and I have been a CDT/RDT in England and Canada since 1972. I own a medium sized lab with 15 employees. I had been looking for a casting machine for a year and researched induction and vacuum pressure machines. The first machine I purchased was not adequate for my requirements. I came across the KDF Neo Super Cascom and after researching and evaluating, decided to purchase the unit. Let me tell you, this is the one! The Neo Super Cascom is easy to use, has a small footprint, uses 110V power, and creates porosity-free frames with excellent fit which polish like glass. Since purchasing this unit, I can sleep at night without worrying about the implant cases I need to cast the next day. I consider the Neo Super Cascom an asset to my business and not just another expense.”

Naoki Aiba – Oral Design Monterey

“Many people use equipment to save time and expense, however the Neo Super Cascom goes a step further and improves the quality of the casting as well. Time: The Neo Super Cascom is user-friendly and allows first time users to cast easily. Expense: Compared to the traditional torch casting, using the Neo Super Cascom reduces the required amount of alloy for your casts. Quality: Compared to torch and induction casting, the temperatures are considerably easier to control preventing overheating, changing the composition of the alloy, and porosity, ensuring high quality metal frames with every cast. The Neo Super Cascom is one of the best investments I’ve made to my lab.”

Hiroaki Okabe – UCLA Maxillofacial Prosthetics & Implant Dentistry

“Osseointegration Implants are used frequently in the course of dental reconstructions. The fixtures internal structure, the external structure, the surface condition of the fixture, the fixture and cylinder construction, and the cylinder structure are ever-changing as dental technology improves. However, non-changing is the necessity for precise casting of the implant superstructure to the gold cylinder. This requirement is critically vital in the preservation of the Gingiva. Furthermore, the cast condition largely affects the ability to fuse porcelain to the implant superstructure. We at the UCLA dental school in order to prevent short margins and porosity in our casts use the Super Cascom casting machine which precisely controls the melting temperature as well as exerts equal pressure on the cast continuously until the implant superstructure solidifies.”

Robert Berger – FNBC

“Consistently predictable quality casting day after day, casting after casting, that’s what I’ve come to expect from my Cascom… and it delivers! Resistance heating, vacuum and pressure casting and electronically programmed alloy casting temperature, gives me smooth, porosity free, accurate fitting castings I can depend on. The Cascom is simply the most important advancement you can bring to your Crown & Bridge department today.”

Brian Lindke – Vividx

“I have used the Cascom casting machine for more than 6 years and I highly recommend it to any laboratory that is interested in producing extremely dense, accurate castings. I evaluated numerous casting machines from other manufacturers and found that the Cascom was an incredible value. Considering the cost of the unit, the quality and productivity, I am confident you won’t find a better casting machine for the money.”